Current Food Bank on the Edge building

Current Food Bank on the Edge building



In 2018, a feasibility study was conducted to investigate the possibility of finding a location for the Food Bank out of the tsunami inundation zone to ensure that emergency food resources would be available to the communities. As part of the feasibility study, a survey was undertaken seeking input from the food bank clients regarding relocation. Indication from the results were that the relocation would not be a disadvantage to clients, and that additional services would be welcome.

Currently, the FBOTE operates out of a 1,200 square foot building situated only 9 metres above sea level. The safe zone in our area is 20 metres above sea level. The building is a 40-year old pre-fab construction in a state of deterioration. The siding, roof and interior features are at the end of their  lifespan. There are safety concerns including dampness, mold, and structural security.

Ideally the new build will be large enough to ensure that FBOTE has sufficient food and equipment storage space to meet community needs; is well organized so that food distribution happens in a safe and streamlined manner.



With these considerations in mind, it was advisable to move from the current location and a site was identified in Ucluelet where the facility could be relocated to high ground with southern exposure for a future community garden.

District of Ucluelet passed a motion, June 15, 2021, to commit a parcel of land for a new building. FBOTE intends to pursue funding including in-kind donations for the entire project, although we recognize some of the work may happen in phases. The intention will be to raise capital funds through grants, corporate donations and community crowdfunding efforts.

FBOTE lease area May2021.png

Future location at Tugwell Field.


FBOTE’s new facility will ensure we can continue to deliver the same level of service to our clients but in a safe place with a higher level of dignity for our volunteers as well. Our vision is to create and build infrastructure to serve the community long after food insecurity is a thing of the past.